Trade and Industry Department | The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Trade and Industry Advisory Board (TIAB)

Terms of Reference

The function of the Trade and Industry Advisory Board (TIAB) is to advise the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development on matters affecting Hong Kong's trade and industry, including trade in textiles and garments, trade relations with the Mainland, the Belt and Road Initiative, the development plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement and related matters.

(starting from 1 January 2024)

Chairperson: Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development
Ex-Officio members: Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs (or representative)
Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (or representative)
Director-General of Trade and Industry (or representative)
Director-General of Investment Promotion (or representative)
Executive Director of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (or representative)
Non-official Members: Mr CHAN Chak-ming
Mr CHAN Chuen-wai
Mr Calvin CHAN Ka-wai, M.H.
Mr Kenneth CHAN Kin-nin
Ms Jennifer CHAN Pui-kwan
Mr Ivan CHU Kwok-leung
Mr Steve CHUANG Tzu-hsiung
Mr Michael HUI Wah-kit, B.B.S., M.H., J.P.
Ms Miranda KWAN Ching-yi
Mr Andrew KWOK Chi-wah
Mr Michael LAI Cheuk-pun
Dr Peter LAM Kin-ngok, G.B.M., G.B.S.
Mr Ian LEE-eon
Mr Willy LIN Sun-mo, G.B.S., M.B.E., J.P.
Dr Wingco LO Kam-wing, B.B.S., J.P.
Dr Dennis NG Wang-pun, S.B.S., M.H.
The Honourable SHIU Ka-fai, B.B.S., J.P.
Mr William SHUM Wai-lam
Mr Chester SZEEN Pok-yung
The Honourable Sunny TAN
Mr Augustus TANG Kin-wing
Dr Conrad WONG Tin-cheung, B.B.S., J.P.
Mr Harold WONG Tsu-hing, J.P.
Mr Andrew YAO Cho-fai, B.B.S., J.P.
Ms Karmen YEUNG Ka-yin
Mr Gary YEUNG Man-yui, M.H.
Dr YIM Fung, J.P.
Ir Elsa YUEN May-yee